
Welcome!  No, you haven't located the web site for High Sierra Custom Mirrors, nor the home page of Mammoth Mountain Meditation!  Rather, you've simply stumbled upon the personal home page for the Jankauski family, second homeowners in Mammoth Lakes, California.

Nothing fancy here .. just our friends and family site where we highlight happenings and vacation activities related to our mountain home, and which also serves as an "information portal" for friends visiting or planning a trip to Mammoth.

In addition to highlighting several of our favorite hikes, activities, and places to eat during our vacations here, you can also find out what's been happening with us in the mountains, or peruse our galleries. For current conditions check out the weather station and webcam operating from our house. The camera will make you feel like you're there (or wish you were!)

So, whether here by choice or by chance, stay a while and check things out.  Enjoy the site, and perhaps drop us a note with suggestions for improvement or additions.


Thanks for stopping by!