Weather information is provided by a Davis Instruments Vantage Vue wireless weather station. Detailed information on this instrument can be found here.
The Vantage Vue is comprised of an outdoor, roof-mounted, monitoring unit which transmits environmental data wirelessly to an indoor console unit. The outdoor unit is solar powered - there is no wiring between the outdoor and indoor components. The console connects directly to a home router, and uploads data every minute to a hosting site maintained by Davis - WeatherLink. A personalized user site is linked to the WeatherLink home page.
The following weather parameters are monitored -
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Barometric pressure
- Wind direction and speed
- Rainfall *
(* Note: the unit is not currently set up to accurately display snowfall amounts. A heater option is available to convert snow to precipitation which can be metered, then converted to estimated snowfall. This heater however is not able to run off solar power, and would require a separate power cable to be run to the outdoor unit).
The weather station is configured to upload weather data to the Davis WeatherLink site every minute, which is then linked to our home page.
A few pictures of the camera in its roof-mounted, weatherproof enclosure are shown below -
In addition to the current conditions provided by Davis, and availble at the Current Weather page, the data is also transmitted to a couple of popular weather enthusiast sites that maintain additional summary and historical data for our station.
Weather Underground (Station identifier KCAMAMM05)
Citizens Weather Observer Program (Station identifier DW5868)